Classroom Community
Becoming a Room Parent at Hidden Lakes Elementary is a wonderful opportunity to become a part of your classroom community, as well as get to know your student’s teacher and school. Your involvement as a volunteer helps to support and strengthen the entire school and our local community.
The main roles of Room Parents are to serve as a source of communication between your student’s teacher, the PTA and other parents in the classroom, as well as to participate in creating class parties, coordinate classroom volunteers, assist in some PTA lead activities and assist your teacher with various tasks, as needed.
Examples of these duties may include:
Meeting with your teacher to discuss classroom needs
Setting up a GroupMe account to communicate with classroom parents throughout the school
year and distributing this link to classroom parents
Communicating with classroom families about class parties and events, class projects
or teacher gift opportunities (birthday, holiday & teacher appreciation) via GroupMe App
Meeting with classroom party chair to plan and volunteer at classroom parties
Organizing an auction basket with other grade-level room parents for Fall Festival
This includes communicating and organizing with your classroom parents to collect necessary items for donation.
Sending out reminders or sign-up sheets for various activities or events
Coordinating volunteers for classroom support
Room Parents serve vital roles which allow HLES teachers to focus on teaching and serving their students. Each homeroom class should have one, or more, Room Parent each year. If a classroom has more than one Room Parent, responsibilities will be divided equally. Room Parents will also be invited to attend an orientation meeting at the beginning of the school year. Please note, it is required to complete a KISD background check to volunteer at HLES in any capacity, including as a Room Parent.
If you have any questions about becoming a Room Parent or any other volunteer opportunities at HLES, please email